Wednesday, September 26, 2007

shutting down

I have been working more on keeping my other blog more updated lately and also trying to write my son's story so yeah this blog has been neglected and I think its better that I just shut it down.

Come and see me over at dynamitt

Saturday, September 15, 2007


folded clothes takes less space

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

but why does he speak greek?

Hubby and I are doing oki, but we are not very well to do. We started out with very limited funds and just a mattress on the floor and have slowly bought things and upgraded as we could afford it. We even manage to put away a fair bit of savings.

Now since we are doing better we figured we needed to look into insurance. We just could not afford it first and then we just keep putting it of. We have public health care so we are fine for basic medical stuff, but if we ever need to go to a dentist or if we wanted to get our eyes checked out we have to pay out big bucks.

So we ave been trying to look into private health insurance. We did some research on the internet, but could not quiet figure out what would be the best option for us. We sent an email for an consultant to call us and hoping that person would be able to explain things better. The insurance person did call and I happen to pick up. He spoke english alright but this 'insurance language' is so difficult that he could just s well have spoken Greek. He went on a long explanation and after he finished he asked me what I wanted and all I could say was ' eeh what?'

I handed the phone over to hubby and he seem to understand a bit more, but in the end told the guy we needed to think about it .

So yeah that's what we are doing now.. thinking about it. And praying that we will understand this 'language' before we have a dental emergency

Monday, September 10, 2007


my jeans fit me again! Its a pretty tight fit, but they do fit. Made me feel pretty good. Now just to loose some of this tummy fat..

Thursday, September 6, 2007

food and stuff

I'm trying to lose some weight. It is a bit challenging because I'm not really allowed to do any exercises yet and also because I love lollies.

So I started yesterday. I decided that I needed to eat small meals, frequently as to not overeat. The plan was to eat every 3 hour. Now this is what puzzles me; in the morning and until 2 pm I do very well. I eat breakfast at 7.30 -8.00, a snack at 11 and then lunch at 1 pm. I'm doing just fine. I am not hungry at all between the meals.

Now the afternoon is another story. I eat lunch at 1 pm right, at 2 pm hungry again. I drank lots of water and manage to wait to eat until 4 pm. Then I'm full for another hour... today I just had to eat dinner at 6 pm and then I got hungry again at 7pm

Why, am I so hungry in the afternoon and evening? Don't get it.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

talking about rain..

I live in Oz now, but grew up in a small place in a skinny cold country way up north. Which is pretty much on the other side of the world. My hometown do not have very warm summers or cold winters, what we do have is... yup; rain. I use to joke about coming from a place where it rains about 360 days a year (and sadly it very close to the truth).

Anyway, I had to laugh hard when my sister showed me a message a friend had sent her:

" after God created the south-west part of the skinny cold country, he looked at what he had done and said; oh this part is just perfect - I need to have it washed everyday. And that was what happen..."